Alaska Simple Will in Less Than 10 Minutes

  • Create a simple will quickly and easily
  • Customized by the requirements of Alaska
  • Download it in PDF for signing
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If you don't have significant assets, children, or dependents with special needs, a simple will may work for you.

Alaska Last Will and Testament

Firstly, it can't be overstated how crucial it is to have a legitimate, well-drafted will. It's your final say in matters regarding your assets after you're gone. Without one, you're leaving these decisions up to laws that might not align with your wishes.

Secondly, don't underestimate the value of professional help. While we offer a online service, nothing can replace the expertise of a skilled attorney who specializes in estate planning.

Lastly, remember that making a will isn't just about divvying up your belongings. It also allows you to make other key decisions like appointing guardians for minor children or even specifying funeral arrangements.

The process may seem daunting at first glance, but we broke it down into manageable steps making it achievable for anyone willing to put in the effort.

Take each step seriously, seek professional advice when needed, always keep your will updated as per life changes and remember - preparation today saves heartache tomorrow.

Laws in AlaskaChapter 12. Intestacy, Wills, and Donative Transfers

Witness Needed in Alaska – (AS 13.12.502. Execution; Witnessed Wills; Holographic Wills.) – signed by the testator or in the testator's name by another individual in the testator's conscious presence and by the testator's direction; and signed by at least two individuals, each of whom signs within a reasonable time after the witness witnesses either the signing of the will as described in of this subsection or the testator's acknowledgment of that signature or the will.
